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annual ring 【植物;植物學】年輪。


In the annual ring of history , the indomitable vitality of civilization takes a root deeply into people ' s hearts and makes tall and straight your brilliant thought of active participation in state affairs 在歷史的年輪上,文明的頑強生命力,深深扎根人心,挺拔著你那積極入世的光輝思想。

Dendrochronology a method of archaeological dating by the annual rings of tree , used when the lifespans of living and fossil trees in an area overlap 樹木年代學:在一定的區域內當生活樹木以及化石樹木的壽命有重疊時,通過樹木的年輪來推測考古學年代的方法。

Furniture and sliced veneer . decorative use as substitute for teak . but pericopisi easily distinguished because teak is ring porous wood with clear annual rings and no ripple marks ?俱、平切單板?有時可代替柚木?淡兩者可輕易辨別?柚木具年輪?而無漣紋。

The annual rings of plants growing in temperate climates can be seen in crosssection as two consecutive rings of light and dark - colored xylem tissue 在有顯著季節性氣候的地區中,不少植物的次生木質部在正常情況下,每年形成一輪(色淺層和色深層) 。

Annual ring ( growth ring ) the annual increase in girth of the stems or roots of woody plants , as a result of cambial activity 年輪:木本植物形成層的活動隨著季節的更替而表現出有節奏的變化。

When another colorful ring was added in your annual rings , may you walk to a richer and maturer world full of colors 當你的年輪又添上一個五彩的圓環時,祝你邁向更充實、更成熟的多彩世界。

Your sturdy trunk progressively increases your own annual rings ; yet your root at your feel would never forget the native land 你壯實的莖,遞增著自己的年輪;腳下的根,忘不了故土。

Annual ring breadth 一年輪寬

Method for determination of the annual rings width and latewood rate of wood 木材年輪寬度和晚材率測定方法